The Mobile Weather Station Project was taken up as a part of the course assignment in Embedded Systems Programming course
in the Semester VI of B.Tech ICT under the guidance of Prof. Prabhat Ranjan. The members of the project team were Prabhat
Saraswat, Swetha Polana and me.
The main idea of the project is to collect weather information (temperature and wind speed) using the One wire weather
station (OWW) and Tini400. The weather information is be updated periodically on the Server using Tini as PPPClient and Reliance
Mobile as the modem. Solar power is used to run Tini so that the Oww can be mounted on the top of any building and the weather
information can be obtained. The whole equipment can now run even in a desert with the help of solar power.
The TINI platform is a micro controller-based development platform that executes code for embedded web servers. The platform
is a combination of broad-based I/O, a full TCP/IP stack, and an extensible Java runtime environment that simplifies development
of network-connected equipment. The detailed description of Tini400 and the procedure to upload and run java programs on Tini400
is given here.
ONE Wire Weather Station
The project is aimed at communicating with the Dallas 1-wire weather station through TINIm400, and getting weather information
viz. Temperature and Wind Speed from it. The information can also be logged in a local file. The type of the weather station
used in the project is AAG Version 3. Other supported types are:-
• Original Dallas weather station
• AAG version 2 weather station
The Dallas 1-wire weather station has DS1820, which will give the temperature, and DS2423, which is a counter. The counter
counts the number of rotations of the cups. This is used to determine the wind speed.
Uploading data on Server
This task is undertaken as the last phase of the Mobile Weather Station project. The file containing the weather information
which was created by interfacing TINI with the 1-Wire Weather station is uploaded on an ftp server by interfacing TINI with
a phone which is used as a modem. is required to start the connection between the TINI and the modem. It is here where the Telephone no.,
Username and Passwords are specified. This programme can be downloaded from the web.RConnect 1.0 Installation Kit and Dalsemi
PPP Package are required for the task as well.
TINIm400 and TINIs400 |
The Project Assembly |